Through a virtuous cycle of creating social and economic value,
we aim to enhance the happiness and well-being of all stakeholders.
Human Rights Management Governance
SK Enmove supports the global sustainability initiative UNGC (United Nations Global Compact) and complies with global codes of conduct such as those from the ILO(International Labor Organization) and UNGP (United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights). Through the human rights due diligence process, SK Enmove identifies and prevents potential human rights risks that may arise during business activities and reports high-risk issues to the CEO and the Board of Directors. SK Enmove's HR organization strives to establish a culture of respect for human rights by operating online and offline communication channels and providing theme-specific education.
Human Rights Policy
SK Enmove strictly adheres to the Human Rights Policy, which includes detailed operational guidelines on respecting human rights, prohibiting forced labor and child labor, banning discrimination and ensuring freedom of association. This ensures that no direct or indirect human rights violations occur throughout the business value chain.
SK Enmove Human Rights Policy
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