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Environmental Management

We proactively address global changes driven by the climate and strive to
advance sustainable business practices.

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SK Enmove establishes and implements environmental management regulations and procedures to comply with environmental laws and contribute to sustainable business management, ensuring these are reflected in our business sites' policies to effectively manage and prevent environmental pollution.

Environmental Governance

Environmental Management Policy

SK Enmove establishes response strategies for each impact factor and executes improvement activities based on the PDCA* environmental management system. SK Enmove systematically practices environmental management by applying SK Innovation's SHE (Safety, Health, Environment) policy and environmental management policies.

*PDCA: Plan Do Check Act

Environmental Management System

  1. PLAN

    Establish strategies based on
    environmental policies

    Establish response strategies
    for each impact factor

  2. DO

    Identify and assess
    impacts through
    environmental impact

    Conduct environmental
    training for employees

  3. ACT

    Implement improvement
    activities based on the
    results of environmental
    impact assessments and

  4. CHECK

    Monitor and check
    emission status of
    pollutant sources

    Check compliance with

    Conduct regular
    environmental audits

Environmental Management Policy

  • SHE (Safety, Health, Environment) Policy

    Establish principles to minimize the impact of
    greenhouse gases and pollutants and set goals for
    carbon reduction and resource circulation.

  • Environmental Management Policy

    Establish management principles regarding
    individual environmental factors for environmental

Environmental Management System

All production sites under SK Enmove have obtained international environmental management system certification (ISO 14001) and maintain certification through annual follow-up audits and triennial renewal audits.

ISO 14001 Certification for SK Enmove and Overseas Subsidiaries

ISO 14001 Certification for SK Enmove and Overseas Subsidiaries (Category, Certification Authority, Validity Period, Certification)
Category Certification Authority Validity Period Certification
SK Enmove KSA 2024.06.18 ~ 2027.06.17
SKENC LRQA 2024.09.21 ~ 2027.09.20
ILBOC LRQA 2023.09.05 ~ 2026.09.04
Patra-SK SGS 2022.09.15 ~ 2025.09.15