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HVAC Fluids

SK aims to provide high efficiency refrigerants and refrigerant oils especially for passenger cars

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Next-generation HVAC fluids that meet the demands of electric vehicles and global environmental regulations
In preparation for vehicle electrification and increasingly stringent environmental regulations*, SK Enmove is actively developing next-generation HVAC fluids**, and through these efforts, the company aims to become a leading player in the next-generation HVAC fluids market.
*F-gas Regulation, PFAS Restriction Proposal
**Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) Fluids
SK Enmove plans to commercialize next-generation HVAC fluids, by developing refrigerants and refrigerant oils for air conditioning systems in vehicles and other applications. Refrigerants are fluids that transfer heat within air conditioning units, while refrigerant oils are for compressors operating these air conditioning systems. In particular, electric vehicles require dual-purpose refrigerants for heating and cooling, along with appropriate refrigerant oils. SK Enmove is enhancing its capabilities through partnerships and collaborations with global companies to develop new compatible HVAC fluids tailored to the needs of electric vehicles and other advanced applications related companies.